Creston Community Service Club


DATES:   June 3rd - June 21st Monday thru Friday

TIME:      Come from 8:30 a.m. to 8:55 a.m. for a light breakfast, or @ 9:00 a.m. for the beginning of our activities.  Camp concludes @ 11:30 a.m. each day unless otherwise noted.

WHERE:  Norwayne Elementary School – Enter through the main doors

COST:      FREE!

The Creston Community Service Club is sponsoring SUMMER DAY CAMP for children ages 5 to 12the day they begin camp (No Exceptions).  Our goal is to have activities that will stimulate the mind, are fun, promote exercise through play, and interact with the children.  It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to transport the child(ren) to the school each morning and pick them up promptly at 11:30 a.m.  Along with interactive presenters coming to the school, we will have several field trips during the four weeks.  Brooke Hare will oversee the program this year.

If you are interested in having your child(ren) attend Summer Day Camp, please fill out and return the form below.  It is appreciated if the completed form is sent back to school before the end of the school year. We would like to get an early count of how many children will be attending the camp so we have an idea of how much food and supplies will be needed.  Remember the cost of this camp is FREE!  If your child is attending the Summer Academy Program at the school, they will be able to attend both programs.  Kids may come all four weeks or as their summer schedules allow.  NOTE: There will be an attendance policy this year to go on the field trips.  More information will be given at camp.

Child’s Name_________________________________

Birthdate ______________Age_____


Mother’s Name and Phone # ____________________________________________________

Father’s Name and Phone #  ____________________________________________________

Who can we expect to pick up the child(ren) on most occasions? ______________________

Emergency Contact Name________________________ 

Phone #______________________

Medical Concerns: ____________________________________________________________

I hereby grant permission for my child/children to participate in the Creston Community Service Club Summer Day Camp Program, fully realizing that any of its supervisors or members of the organization may not be held liable for any injuries resulting from an accident in conjunction with this program.

______________________________________________              _____________________________

(Signature of Parent/Guardian)                                                                  (Date)

Creston Community Service Club